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Guild Hall

The Guild Hall is a members only game room.

This room can be used by members of the Gamer's Wharf. Non members will have to be sponsored by a member in good standing.
⦁    Members can use the room at no charge.
⦁    $5.00 fee for Non-members .
The room must be signed out for use by a member in good standing. All other participants will also sign in for the session.
The person who signs for the room will hence forth be know as the Custodian.
The custodian is responsible for the condition of the room and the enforcement of player conduct Policies. See the following for what that intales.
⦁    The custodian will see that the room is cleaned before leaving. Room must be cleaned at the end of there session. Unclean rooms will have a cleaning fee of 5.00.
⦁    The custodian  will not leave until all other players have vacated the room and room has been check by store personal.
⦁    Should the custodian  need to leave before the other players, then one of them must sign for the room and will become its custodian. If no member is available or wants to become the new custodian then the players can move to the general gaming area.
⦁    The custodian is responsible for the repair or replacement cost In the event of items, fixtures, or furniture owned by the Gamer's Wharf become damage or missing within the members room.