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Provincia Romana

Provincia Romana

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description
    Provincia Romana is a game of strategy and urban development for 2-6 players. As the leader of a Roman city in Gaul, you are responsible for its growth. You must manage your city's economy and resources, starting from its very first building. You must also see to your city's defenses, preparing for Gallic raids and forging dubious agreements with the powerful Roman Senate. You must always keep in mind the morale of your people and the wear and tear on your military defenses. If you do not want to face destruction, you must maintain everything to the high standards of Roman greatness. Success will reward you with prestige and glory. Become the most prestigious governor and you will be chosen as the new Proconsul of a mighty Provincia Romana!
  • Details
    BGID: 151016
    Category: Ancient, Card Game
    Time: 90 minutes
    Designer: Pierluigi Frumusa
    PrimaryName: Provincia Romana
    Players: 2 - 6 players
    Year: 2014
    Product Title: Provincia Romana
    Publisher: Gen-X Games