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The Agents

The Agents

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description
    ​The Agents is a tactical, turn-based card game where players compete to connect chains of agents, complete missions and emerge with the most victory points.
    The unique mechanic of the game is that each card has a duality, so that you can play it in different directions. Playing the card with the agent facing towards you allows you to perform the agent’s specific command, but gives points in favor of the opponent. Or you can choose to take the points, but your opponent gets the benefit of the command. With 25 different agents, each with their own unique command, agents already placed can be rotated, flipped over, extracted and swapped, making the game ever flexible, variable, unpredictable and a test of forward planning and quick thinking.
    As you learn about each agent’s special abilities, how agents work together or work against each other, and weigh up the advantages of collecting points for yourself versus sabotaging your opponent’s strategies, the game will become increasingly complex, dynamic and challenging.

    Missions, played alongside factions of agents, provide interesting, strategic conditions which, if fulfilled, give you the opportunity to score big points, but if you race ahead, you’ll also become a target for attack. The better you’re doing, the more under fire you’ll be.

    It’s designed for smart adults and even smarter kids.

  • Details
    BGID: 141932
    Time: 30 minutes
    Designer: Saar Shai
    Ages: 8 and up
    Publisher: (Self-published)